
Showing posts from August, 2010

The Many Voices of Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch's The Scream is so powerful that the other works of this great Norwegian artist are overlooked. Other art by Munch articulated his feelings about the sad passages of life--sickness, death and breakups. Currently at The Nation al Gallery of Art in Washington is an exhibition of Munch's graphic art which represents man y of the other themes he dealt with intensely, includin g illness, love, los s, and loneliness. The museum has pulled together prints from its own collection with images from two private collections to present a fuller view of the real artist. In f act, the sounds of silence in Munch's work are as freq uent and powerful as the voices of pain. Waves of Love, a lithograph Munch also can be subtle. He explores the possibilities of images morphing into something else. In Waves of Love , we see a floating woman but don't notice the man right away. Yet, when we discover him, the work becomes even more powerful. Munch, Vampire II, 1895, lithograph wi